Batteries for solar electric systems

In solar applications, the batteries need to be able to meet the demands of unstable power from the grid, heavy charging cycles and irregular full charging. It requires a special type of battery to be able to handle these difficult tasks. Our selected range of top-of-the-line solar batteries are designed to meet these requirements and provide a reliable service for an extended life, with minimal maintenance.


It’s important to choose the right batteries for your solar system

There are various battery technologies available for different types of solar applications and it is important to choose the correct technology for your requirements. We can talk you through the options and make sure you get the batteries that are right for your needs.

Batteries for off grid systems

Off grid batteries need to store a large amount of energy so there is plenty of energy available during extended bad weather. If the battery is undersized, it will be discharged to a lower state of charge more regularly, which will reduce its life expectancy. You will also be more reliant on a back-up source of energy, such as a generator, to top up your energy needs.

The two common battery types used for off grid systems are lithium iron phosphate batteries (such as BYD) and lead carbon batteries (such as Shoto).

Grid connected (hybrid) batteries

Grid connected (hybrid) batteries are designed to retain the solar energy you generate on site, rather than selling it to the grid and buying it back later at a much higher rate. A grid connected home would ideally be designed so that appliances run during sunshine hours where possible, powered directly by the solar system. Batteries can then be added to store the remaining energy for use during the evening, and high demand or low generation periods. Unlike an off grid system, you only need to store a small amount of energy to cover the evening usage, however if you are short, the power from the grid will continue to support your energy demand as usual.

Common battery technologies we recommend for grid connected (hybrid) systems are lithium iron phosphate batteries (such as BYD & FREEDOM WON).

