Hybrid solar energy systems

Hybrid solar system diagram - Sonnen Battery

Diagram of a PV solar energy system using a Sonnen battery

We design and install hybrid solar power systems using quality European inverter technology.

What is a ‘hybrid’ solar energy system?
As the name suggests, a hybrid solar system is a combination of on grid and off grid solar energy systems. In simple terms, it’s a grid connected solar power system with the addition of battery backup.

How does a hybrid solar system work?
When the solar system is operating at optimal levels, the system stores excess energy generated in the battery. It then uses this energy during peak evening hours when electricity rates are high, or in case of any grid failure or power cut. Any additional surplus energy generated can be sold back to the grid.

Why do we use European hybrid inverter technology?
European manufacturers such as Fronius and Sonnen offer fully integrated hybrid systems. These systems provide maximum cost and performance efficiency, and intelligent energy management. They are also modular so easily expandable, and highly reliable. The Lithium batteries store excess solar energy for the household, and built-in smart energy management tools manage how the solar energy is directed and consumed to ensure the most efficient use and best return on your investment.

How do I sell my excess power back to the grid?
Your property has a meter installed that measures how much electricity is used at that location. We replace this with a two-way (import/export) meter to measure both the energy you take from the grid, and what you feed back into it. If you use more than you generate, you will have a power bill to pay. If your solar power system generates more energy than you use, you will receive a credit on your power bill. Check with your power company to see what they currently pay for this power.

What are some other advantages of a Hybrid solar system?
1. Use solar energy at night.
Enjoy the benefits of solar energy production 24 hours a day! The integrated smart electronics manage energy use throughout the day, detecting when there’s excess power and storing it for use at night.

2. Harvest cheaper energy to use later.
Store energy when it is cheap and run your home off the battery when rates are higher during peak periods.

3. Gain energy autonomy.
A Fronius or Sonnen Hybrid system allows your home to produce and store 100 % of the energy it uses – depending on climate and sun exposure – enabling your home to be energy self-sufficient.

4. High quality batteries.
Over time, the batteries will be charged and discharged many thousands of times. For that reason, the Lithium batteries we use are based on the most reliable and sustainable technology available and exclusively lithium iron phosphate batteries (LiFePO4). These batteries offer greater longevity and higher safety than most other lithium-ion batteries that are commonly used in smartphones, laptops, or electric cars. Lithium iron phosphate is the only battery component that occurs naturally and does not contain any toxic heavy metals.

Fronius Gen24 hybrid solar system

The Austrian made Fronius Gen24 hybrid inverter is battery ready, which means that you can simply add batteries to the system at any stage, without adding an additional battery inverter. BYD HVM or HVS lithium batteries are used, which are modular so that the battery capacity is easily expandable. This system is expandable from 7kWh to 57kWh of battery capacity. This system will provide energy to your selected circuits during a power outage.

This system is ideal for most situations, with the ability to start without batteries and add them at any stage.


Sonnen hybrid solar system

The German made Sonnen hybrid system is an all-in-one solution. The hybrid inverter and batteries are integrated into a single cabinet, where the battery capacity can be extended from 5kWh to 15kWh. This system will provide energy to your selected circuits during a power outage.

This system is ideal for smaller residential situations, and want to add batteries at the time of your solar installation.


Selectronic hybrid solar system

The Australian made Selectronic system is virtually an off grid system, with a grid connection as the backup as required. This system can be designed to support multiple phases, large solar arrays, large battery capacities, greater energy demand, integration with the grid, and a backup generator.

This type of system is ideal if you are wanting greater flexibility in design, greater resilience in your energy supply or if you are wanting to go fully off grid in the future.


We’re very happy to answer all your questions, take a look at your property and advise on the best hybrid solar system for you.